Sunday, August 10, 2014

comics train

Spend three quarters of a day travelling to a comics festival!
Have awkward conversations with strangers!
The Café Car's over-priced watered-down coffee is a must!
Learn the lesson of futility, trying to get a good night's sleep in an oversized chair!
-Bonus: You get to sleep IN YOUR CLOTHES!
I'm going to be traveling to SPX via Amtrak's Capitol Limited, and would love some company.

The train leaves Chicago at 6:40 on Thursday evening, and arrives in Rockville, MD at 12:10 the following afternoon. All times subject to Amtrak's ridiculous inability to ever be on time anywhere.  And full disclosure, I'm only taking the train south to the DC area.  I've got a ride back to Chicago.

You might be wondering why on earth one would want to travel by train, and I'll totally admit, it's not for everybody...


I think it's awesome.

The view out the train is a lot of fun, you travel through both post-industrial wastelands (stopping in Cleveland and Pittsburgh), and through beautiful vistas and historical landmarks (like Harper's Ferry)! 

It's a fun quiet trip, in which you can disconnect yourself from your normal life, sit back and relax. You can read, listen to music, or watch a movie on your laptop. You can draw uninterrupted. You can do last-minute comics binding.

I bring a lot of snacks!  They're all vegan, and I can accomodate any other dietary needs you may have. (Though, you should also bring food, accounting for Dinner, Breakfast & inbetween...Amtrak's food is SO EXPENSIVE!)

The train goes all the way to Washington D.C.'s historic Union Station, but it also stops in Rockville, MD, which is just two metro stops from the White Flint station (which itself is one block from the Marriott that houses the Small Press Expo!)

Lastly, I hate flying, and am happy to keep my feet relatively on the ground, than deal with airports & airplanes. 

At the time of publication, a ticket to Rockville, MD from Chicago is $91.  If you wanna join me, get in touch!

1 comment:

Cyfuture Cloud said...

very informative and impressive article. Thanks for sharing with us
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